Our Products

  • forest honey

    Produced when bees collect the nutritional substances and enzymes from dewdrops on plants or leaves and transform them into honeydew.

  • Acacia honey

    Rich in fructose and glucose, as well as vitamin C, manganese, beta-carotene, and hydrogen peroxide.

  • LAvender honey

    It is renowned for its unique flavour profile, distinct aroma, and potential health benefits.

  • Linden Honey

    A popular and distinctive type of honey produced by honeybees that forage on the blossoms of linden trees

  • Wildflower honey

    Unlike monofloral honey, Wildflower honey is a blend of nectars from different types of flowers in the vicinity of the beehive.

  • Bee pollen

    Bee pollen is a natural product produced by honeybees from the pollen collected from flowers. It is often referred to as nature's perfect food due to its rich and diverse nutritional profile.

  • honeycomb

    Honeycomb is a unique and natural product created by honeybees within their hives. It consists of hexagonal wax cells filled with honey, pollen, and bee larvae.

  • Our products:

    Non pasteurised
    Non heated
    Sourced from inhabited regions
    Antibiotics not added