bee pollen

Pollen is rich in protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and other active substances. It is not only an excellent natural nutritional food but also an ideal supplement with certain medical benefits. The protein in pollen exists mainly in the form of free amino acids, exceeding 5-7 times that of milk and eggs. The vitamin C content is higher than that of fresh fruits and vegetables, earning it the title of the "king of natural vitamins." Especially, the B-group vitamin content is extremely abundant, surpassing honey by a hundredfold.

Every 100 grams of pollen contains 600 micrograms of thiamine, 1670 micrograms of riboflavin, 900 micrograms of pyridoxol, 2700 micrograms of pantothenic acid, and 10,000 micrograms of niacin. It contains various minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon, and phosphorus.

Bee Pollen: Nature's Health Treasure

Bee pollen is the male reproductive cell from the stamen of flowering plants. It not only carries the genetic information of life but also contains all the essential nutrients needed for nurturing new life. It serves as the foundation for plant reproduction and is a source of thermal energy. The main nutritional components include protein, amino acids, vitamins, pollen, trace elements, active enzymes, flavonoids, lipids, nucleic acids, rutin, phytic acid, and more. The amino acid content and ratio closely resemble the amino acid pattern recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.


  • Bee pollen has natural health, medical, and cosmetic values

  • It is a high-protein, low-fat nutritional health food, often hailed as "cosmetics for internal use" and a natural treasure in human food

  • Enhances overall immune function, activates macrophage phagocytic activity, and improves the body's disease resistance

  • Anti-aging and cosmetic effects: Bee pollen is a nutritional cosmetic product, and components like vitamin E, superoxide dismutase (SOD), selenium can nourish and rejuvenate the skin, restoring its elasticity and smoothness

  • Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, lowers blood lipid levels, regulates the nervous system, and promotes sleep.

  • Regulates gastrointestinal function, aids digestion, and treats habitual constipation; has certain effects on regulating endocrine, improving sexual function, and treating male infertility

  • Prevents anemia, diabetes, fatigue, and can regulate the balance of the body's endocrine system


  • Alternatively, mix with chrysanthemum, a few slices of ginger, lemon, or green tea in the morning for optimal effects.

  • Can be added to toast, salads, and unsweetened yogurt for best results!

  • The water temperature should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius, as higher temperatures may damage the nutritional elements of bee pollen.

Note: Not suitable for infants under one year old, individuals with diabetes, and those with skin allergies